The last few week’s in Mexico City…

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Dear Everyone,

Hermana Rivera is great. We are (and I’m kind of amazed by the number of times I’ve said this about a mission companion) pretty much the same person, except for all that time I put into music, she poured into arts and crafting. We are kind of starting over this week teaching wise because we have dropped all of our old investigators (who were not progressing)  and we are looking and praying for the people who are ready to receive the gospel right now. I don’t think I’ve taught so few lessons in a week in my whole mission, but we are trying to show our faith that Heavenly Father will put the right people in our path if we just keep looking. My health is normal. I’m acutally worrying more about my comp’s health. She hasn’t gotten sick from the food yet, but I figure its just a matter of time.

This is my first time training a non-native, and I have to say that I have been feeling very Mexican this week. I hadn’t even realized how many local habits I had picked up until she started asking about them. Last night I refused to start eating potato chips until I finished making the guacamole to dip them in, and she keeps on asking me what certain words mean, because there are a few that are particular to Mexico. Also she keeps asking me what’s in the food, and I will  admit, I’ve kind of enjoyed seeing her face when I tell her.

Love you guys!

Hermana Ehrisman

Dear Everyone,

I am sorry if you all thought I had been kidnapped by black market organ venders (especially you, Mom). I didn’t get to write yesterday because I had to go to the mission home to pick up my new comp, Hermana Rivera, fresh and green from the MTC.

This will be brief, because we need to go work and stuff, but I will say that it looks like we will get along very well. She is from El Salvador, and before the mission she was studying to be an English teaching. She has refused to actually speak English with me so far, because she feels self concious, but I’ll crack her soon.

President Hall wants us to start baptizing every week, so we are looking for new investigators like crazy. We also had a baptism on Saturday – his name is Isaac and he is 24. I will send pics when my camera is feeling more agreeable.

I love you all and I will write more details next week.


Hermana Ehrisman

PS – To make me feel more American, I made myself some pancakes smothered in peanut butter for breakfast.


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